Last Week on Instagram…

If you are reading this on a reader, you might not see the Instagram photos. You will either need to check out my Instagram HERE, or check out the post. If you can, then yay :)
Back on instagram, I wanted to share this. Late last year Marcia Wallace, who voiced Edna Krabappel, passed away. Watching this episode made me tear up. It was a scene that I felt was well done.
“Sure do miss that laugh…”
I received the Nair Candy Apply Wax kit to try out for free, thanks to Chickadvisor. I have used the Nair Sugar Wax kits before, so I was pretty excited to try this one out. I’ll post a review later
I was organizing my stash, lumping together certain samples, and I realized that I have three different sizes of the Make Up For Ever HD Micro Finish Powder! I know that a lot of people have been posting the Pressed Powder version, but I have too much of the loose powder to use up to even consider the pressed version. I wish I could though, does make life easier :)
I had a doctor’s appointment earlier Friday morning, so I thought I would stop by the

11 Day Warehouse Sale at the International Centre Hall 6
6900 Airport Rd, Mississauga
( Corner of Derry Rd & Airport Rd )

When: Thursday March 13 – Sunday March 23
Monday – Friday 10-8pm
Saturday 10-6pm
Sunday 10-5pm

If you go, I would suggest you park between 5-6, rather than 1-6. The entrance and exit are at different ends, and it makes more sense to park 5-6 because of that. You can pay with cash or credit. There are some things that are more expensive if you buy here, but there are other things that are a great deal. I usually pick up nail polish (3/$5 for Revlon and some Sinful Nail Polish), lip products (Revlon Kissable Balm Stain was $4), or shadows (Loreal Infallible LE were $4). They have Tide, Bouncy, Swiffer this year, so you can check those out as well.
I was a little up north this weekend. Stayed with my friend for some catch up time. She has a barn. I was amazed lol. There isn’t anything inside anymore, but just the fact that she has one amazed me to no end. Anyway, we made dinner for Friday night, but decided to do Pizza Pizza for lunch. Followed up by Breyer’s Ice cream. It was $3 at SDM, so we couldn’t help buying two different kinds :D