Mini Giveaway…

*******NO MORE ENTRIES!*******
I have already made a comment, and that ends the giveaway. Thank you for entering everyone. I appreciate you visiting this small blog of mine :) the winners are itscherz and procrastinator! Sorry ill do my best to set up the e-giftcards by tomorrow and send them out to you!
I will also have another smaller giveaway in March :)

So this is the mini giveaway that I mentioned I would hold.

This is just a way to end a rather nice week for myself, and wanted to share with others.

Here is the deal. I have given a few heads up during the last few weeks.

In order to enter, you need to have made a comment on the blog, one was enough, or be a current Twitter/Instagram follower before this post goes up (seeing as its not that many I will be checking). This helps to weed out giveaway poachers. Plus it is a thanks for my readers, who come check out whatever I have to offer once in awhile. Which I am ever so grateful for!

You also need to be Canadian, as this features Canadian companies.

So, those who meet the requirement, just enter by leaving a comment on which you would prefer. I will need an email address so either leave it in the comment or in the form. Which ever way you do it, ensure that you put it in correctly as I will copy and paste the email. If you are a twitter follower you could choose to leave your Twitter handle.

The prize is two $50 gift certificate to Nail Polish Canada or (maybe somewhere else, depending if I can find decent etailers.

There will be two winners, and the funds are drawn from my own, these are not sponsored from the respective sites.

This contest will end a week from today, thus next Sunday about 9pm EST.

Thanks for reading and visiting this blog of mine, for whatever length of time you have come for. I appreciate it all :)

**edit: I’ve decided to do one more giveaway in March. So if you are not eligible this time around, do one of the requirements to be eligible later :) **

13 thoughts on “Mini Giveaway…”

  1. This is such a smart idea — thank you! Good luck everyone!
    And because I can’t read properly, completely missed the bit about indicating which I’d prefer — please! Never ordered from them before =)

  2. NPC for me, please! (You already know that, don’t you? lol). Thanks for the giveaway

  3. The fact that I read poachers as pouchers I must be hungry. Wellca is a great site for variety.

    Thanks for having a ROAK giveway. YAHH to happy weeks

  4. I would pick I could always use their sale stuff xD
    (I’ll email u. I’ve had some bad luck w having my email address exposed. I’m using the same comp tho, so my IP should be the same as my previous comments)
    Thx for the giveaway!

  5. Hey
    Thanks for this great giveaway !

    Its so hard to decide between the two choice but I would love to try NPC :)

    Best of luck to all

  6. I know I am not eligible this time around, but look forward to your March giveaway! Thanks for it

      Thanks for entering everyone :)
      I will select winner tomorrow and have emails sent out!

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