Apieu Nature Lip & Cheek

Apieu Lip & Cheek

I found this from a haul I did from ages ago…
I had bought two and completely forgotten about this…

They don’t have Raspberry on the Korean website anymore, but you can see other colours HERE. People have also uploaded their own swatches, reviews in Korean. You can view those if you scroll to the bottom and click on the comment links with picture icons next to them.

Apieu Lip & Cheek

Anyway it is just under $7CAN and wasn’t too bad colour wise.
What I did have issues with was that it was HEAVILY scented with a perfume.
Like crazily so.
It was one of the reasons I ended up chucking the first one once I hit the expiry date.

Apieu Lip & Cheek

However it is a really pretty colour…so I might look into another shade. Maybe they would have worked on the scent by now.

Do you use any multi-use products?