Musical Friday – Flowers Need Rain

Preston Pablo – Flowers Need Rain

Okay this song is a mix of feelings when you listen carefully. I just liked the bop and how easy it was for me to sing along in the car whenever it popped up on my Spotify!

Anyway, friend asked why I don’t blog anymore. Honestly, blogging started as I needed an outlet. It was something that allowed me to live out another part of me that does not get expressed as frequently. Still me, but perhaps a more confident part of me? I never intended to step away…and had music drafted that I just never scheduled for posting. Reviews…well my priorities changed and I was unable to spend somewhat frivolously like I used to (although that was also retail therapy that was needed at the time). I guess things like Twitter and Instagram were a bit better but then social media detoxing happened. Also thought to change genres to reflect my life right now, but there’s just so much out there I ruled that out as well.

But I do miss it.

I guess, I also just became more private as I got older. I have went through some things that initiated extreme reflection and reorganized my priorities with many aspects of my life. Then Covid happened and I just couldn’t keep up. With my personality, never forgotten…but just couldn’t anymore. Thought I would delete the blog, but I am still attached to it so it is remaining (actually I also can’t remember my pw and want to save the file just in case I regret it in the future. I don’t think I can do that on the app).

Anyway…this little space of mine was a big part of my 20’s and I am grateful for it. I know those that used to read and comment most likely won’t see this but thank you :) Just having a space was nice. Just having some read my ramblings was nice. A way to be heard when I found it difficult to express things. I apologize to the lovely blogging friends I made that I haven’t caught up with in ages. I get that it happens when individuals move through different stages of life…but I do think of you and hope for all the best :D I look forward to randomly bumping into you in this large city of ours, haha.

Well, I hope that you all stay healthy, and live life with a brightness in some way!

Here is where I would insert a Korean big bow…haha.

Bye :)