Lisa’s Cosmetic insanity…

I figured, seeing as there is a few more days left, I would post this up.
Some of the stuff I got…minus my backups…oh…lets not get into that again *shakes head*

Check out the website for more info, but it runs until December 6th!

(ps happy december everyone!)

Annabelle was priced at $1.99, and how could I refuse that?! They didn’t have single custom shadows, but maybe next time…Marcelle was priced at $2.49.


Following is swatches of the pigments (Eco Chic and Gold Fizz are both foiled).
The white blob is Aurora, glittery flecks are Lunatic, the green is Eco Chic, and the gold is Gold Fizz.
My favourite of the bunch if Lunatic (I tried to get more but they were sold out :(), and Eco Chic.

Smashbox kit is for a friend, and they were priced in the mid 20’s range.

Polish was the major thing for me, as all Sally was $1, Borghese was 1.49!!
I went a little nuts in this area…this might not look like a lot…but this isn’t all…I got backups…obviously, as I am crazy.

Okay, not going to lie, I love going to this sale, and though I complained about the long wait and insane time it took me to get there, I will go again in the spring. As long as Annabelle and Marcelle are there. Otherwise I won’t and will try and hold off until next Fall.

Though they have a bunch of cashiers, it can be a pain to wait in line, as there is a lot of guess work involved…(isn’t there always?) and there are always ppl who don’t read the signs, and line up for cash only line, when they can’t pay with only cash :S

Perfume, for the most part seems to be a great hit with people, but if you want the good stuff, or the deals on rollers and such, you might need to go in the first few days. If you are only there for the Makeup, then you are good until 3-4 day (though major products like Smashbox primers are gone faster), are sold out.

Do take a friend when you go though. It does make the wait far more plesant, and I noticed that different when I went with a friend. Plus if you go with a friend, it helps you from over spending, especially when they have a level head, and you dont…haha…crap >_<

One thought on “Lisa’s Cosmetic insanity…”

  1. Lucky you! we seldom have sales down here on great polishes! I love your hauls! I love it when people haul on a budget and were able to haul a lot! :)

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